Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Leveling Whit C.E

Bahasa Indonesia

Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv42-60

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade A)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv58...
8. Scan "mission_147"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_124"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan melawan 2 dummy...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv58


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv7-40

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade B dan C)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv39...
8. Scan "mission_83"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_93"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan memainkn misi Kanesada The Sword 4...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv39


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv3-6

1. Buka NS
2. Masuk ke Kage Room
3. Pilih misi reguler (Grade C)
4. Buka CE (klo ada yg brtanya sy pakai v. 5.6.1)
5. Pilih Process browser kalian>>>Value Type: Text
6. Scan misi yg akan kalian mainkn...
7. Kita ambil contoh misi lv7...
8. Scan "mission_9"
9. Akan muncul 1 addreess...klik 2x...
10. Ubah valunya jadi "mission_2"
11. klik Play dan kalian akan memainkn misi Hadworking Student...
12. selesaikan misi...dan dapatkn XP dr misi lv6



Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv42-60

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade A)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv58 ...
8. Scan "mission_147"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_124"
11. click Play and you will fight two dummy ...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv58


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv7-40

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade B and C)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv39 ...
8. Scan "mission_83"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_93"
11. click Play and you will fight Kanesada The Sword 4...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv39


Tools: Cheat Engine
Required: lv3-6

1. Open NS
2. Go to the Kage Room
3. Choose a regular mission (Grade C)
4. Open CE (if there is a distinguished brtanya disposable sy v. 5.6.1)
5. Select Process your browser>>> Value Type: Text
6. Scan the mission who would you Play ...
7. We take the example mission lv6...
8. Scan "mission_9"
9. Will appear 1 addreess ... click 2x ...
10. Change the value to be "mission_2"
11. click Play and you will fight Hadworking Student mission...
12. complete the mission ... and get XP from missions lv6

Code Mission Ninja Saga

Jounin Exam

mission_136 = Jounin Exam 5/5: The Orochi?
mission_135 = Jounin Exam 4/5: The Elements
mission_134 = Jounin Exam 3/5: The Kekkai
mission_133 = Jounin Exam 2/5: Shinobi Tower
mission_132 = Jounin Exam 1/5: Hand Seal

Chunin Exam

mission_55 = Chunin Exam 1/5: Written Test
mission_56 = Chunin Exam 2/5: Scroll War
mission_57 = Chunin Exam 3/5: Arena?
mission_58 = Chunin Exam 4/5: Team Battle
mission_59 = Chunin Exam 5/5: Final


mission_1 atau mission_12 atau msission_124 => Training Dummy
mission_2 = Hardworking Student => Grade C lvl. 1
mission_3 = Blacksmith Request => Grade C lvl. 2
mission_4 = weaver's request => Grade C lvl. 3
mission_5 = Assasination of shin => Grade C lvl. 18
mission_6 = Ken's Challange
mission_7 = Michi's Request => Grade C lvl. 4
mission_8 = Yuna Request => Grade C lvl. 5
mission_9 = Grandmother Gift => Grade C lvl.6
mission_10 = Fake Worshippers => Grade C lvl.7
mission_13 = Confideal Documents => Grade C lvl.3
mission_14 = Conflicts with the samurai => Grade C lvl.4
mission_15 = Find The Antidote => Grade C lvl.6
mission_16 = Enemies for interrogation => Grade C lvl.7
mission_17 = The Mysterious Lights => Grade C lvl.8
mission_18 = Protect Princes takara => Grade C lvl.9
mission_19 = The Disert Bandits => Grade C lvl.9
mission_20 = Secret of the Guardian Scroll
mission_21 = Protect the Messenger
mission_22 = Investigation
mission_23 = Be an Envoy to Water
mission_24 = Relief Force to Water Village
mission_25 = Be an Envoy to Earth Village
mission_26 = Civil Strife in Earth Village
mission_27 = Backup Request from Wind Village
mission_28 = Escort the Merchant
mission_29 = Kusuma's Request => Grade C lvl.10
mission_30 = Kage's son save norobi
mission_31 = It's Samurai again => Grade C lvl.12
mission_32 = Catch the Insurrectionist => Grade C lvl.12
mission_33 = Escape Criminals => Grade C lvl.13
mission_34 = Assasinate the Ninja Spy Leader Grade C lvl.13
mission_35 = The Mist Stalker
mission_36 = Suspicious Ninja
mission_37 = Battle Samurai
mission_38 = Ken's second challange
mission_39 = Explosive Mines => Grade C lvl.11
mission_40 = Three Undead Marionette
mission_41 = Arrest Desert Clawman => Grade C lvl.14
mission_42 = Kenta's Favor => Grade C lvl.15
mission_43 = Sea Robbers are Back => Grade C lvl.15
mission_44 = Trouble from Hooligans => Grade C lvl.16
mission_45 = Rescue Action => Grade C lvl.17
mission_46 = Choose the Right target
mission_47 = Clear Main Artery => Grade C lvl.17
mission_48 = Troublesome Water Ninja => Grade C lvl.18
mission_49 = Threatening Soil Vilage => Grade C lvl.19

Unknown Level

mission_50 = Village in Turmoil
mission_51 = Destroy the Criminal Alliance?
mission_52 = Ken's Third Challange
mission_53 = Assasination of Shin2
mission_54 = Guard the Village Gate


mission_60 = Where are the Hoologans?
mission_61 = Night Rebellion
mission_62 = Canine Tooth Collection
mission_63 = Phantom Ninja
mission_65 = War with Samurai
mission_67 = Toxic Crisis
mission_68 = The Ninja Assassinates
mission_69 = Crazy Marionette

Special Event

Mission_72 = Medicine Reseacrh
mission_73 = The Sceret Package from Yuna
mission_74 = Zuka's Request
mission_75 = Help The Snow Village
mission_76 = Escort Kaiza
mission_78 = Escaped Prisoner
mission_79 = Wind Village Defend
mission_80 = Violent Hooligans
mission_81 = Urgent Request from Michi
mission_82 = Merchant Assassination
mission_83 = Mountain Bandits
mission_84 = Hidden Laboratory
mission_85 = The Hanjiro Series 01?
mission_86 = The Hanjiro Series 02?
mission_87 = The Hanjiro Series 03?
mission_88 = The Hanjiro Series 04 (Final)
mission_90 = Kanesada the Swrod 01?
mission_91 = Kanesada the Sword 02?
mission_92 = Kanesada the Sword 03?
mission_93 = Kanesada the Sword 04?
mission_94 = Kanesade the Sword 05?
mission_95 = Kanesade the sword 06?
mission_97 = Rebel Water Ninjas?
mission_98 = Friendly Match (Practise with lok li)
mission_99 = The Mysterious Bug
mission_104 = Revenge the Phantom Ninja
mission_105 = The Battle Dog
mission_106 = The Lost Letter
mission_107 = Get Ready for PVP
mission_108 = Kanesada the Sword 07 (Final)
mission_109 = The Stubborn Lanlord 01
mission_110 = The Stubborn Landlord 02
mission_111 = Path of a Genin
mission_112 = Merchant's Quarrel
mission_114 = Message to Tsuchikage 1


mission_138 = Concern of Norobie => Grade A lvl.42
mission_139 = Request form the Rock Vilage => Grade A lvl.44
mission_140 = The Antique Vase => Grade A lvl.46
mission_141 = The Fire-Thunder Allianced => Grade A lvl.48
mission_142 = The Mysterious Mist => Grade A lvl.50
mission_143 = Blacksmith's Trouble => Grade A lvl.52
mission_144 = The Assassins' Plot => Grade A lvl.54
mission_147 = Kinjutsu: Marionette Control => Grade A lvl.58
mission_148 = The Criminal Gathering => Grade A lvl.56


mission_149 = Ramen Delivery => Daily Mission lvl.5
mission_151 = The Promise => Daily Mission lvl.15
mission_152 = Pirates in Exile => Daily Mission lvl.20
mission_162 = Practice: Lightning Chunin => Daily Mission lvl.25 (Emblem User)
mission_163 = Practice: Earth Chunin => Daily Mission lvl.30 (Emblem User)
mission_164 = Battle Data Of The Marionette => Daily Mission lvl.30 (Emblem User)
mission_165 = The Store Keeper => Daily Mission lvl.40
mission_166 = Save The Clan Casualeties => Daily Mission lvl.40(Emblem User)
mission_167 = BlackOps' Meals => Daily Mission lvl.45
mission_168 = The Postman's Duties => Daily Mission lvl.45 (Emblem User)


mission_170 = Secret TP Scroll
mission_171 = The Kekkai in the forest
mission_173 = Another TP Scroll
mission_174 = Weird potion

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